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Dr. Michael Gelb
In-House Practitioner Training
In-House Practitioner Training

2018/05/18 23:59:59
Contact Us For More Information
AirwayCentric® is a new school of thought in health-care, prevention, wellness, and public health. It looks at the airway along with breathing and sleep. Airway Sleep Disorders (ASD) impact brain development and neurobehavioral/neurocognitive disorders in children and adults. Airway and breathing patterns are fundamental in the development of the face: the nasomaxillary complex, mandible, and cervical spine.
Sleep bruxism (SB) and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are also associated with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). AirwayCentric® has important implications for pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, general and restorative dentistry. In this groundbreaking two-day course, you will learn through discussion and live patient observation as well as hands-on training.
The objective is to give you the confidence to incorporate airway and sleep management into your existing practice or to transition into a sleep practice. The doctor and team will be able to return to their office on Monday and offer HST and oral device therapy. Possible obstacles will be discussed as well as the solutions to overcome them.
Fundamentals of Dental Sleep Medicine and AirwayCentric Dentistry. Hands-On course with live patients includes:
- New Patient Evaluation
- CBCT Scan on each participant and Radiology report
- Home Sleep Study for each participant
- Diagnosis of TMJ or Sleep
- Explanation of TMJ physiology, classification, and pathophysiology
- Multidisciplinary comprehensive management of Airway, Sleep, and TMJ patients including physical therapy myofunctional therapy
Additional Perks
- Trios Scan
- Wax Bite taking
- George Gauge Bite Taking
- Explanation on how to submit to insurance
- A USB with all forms the Gelb Center uses
- 30% coupon Prosomnus for first 5 devices
- 50% coupon on 2nd ACG appliance
- Free demo ACG appliance
- Breakfast and Lunch
Learning Objectives (Doctors’ take away)
- Be able to recognize and screen for sleep disorder
- Read the HST and PSG to discuss with MD, colleague and patients
- Select the coded oral device, insert and adjust
- Learn how to be part of a multidisciplinary sleep team
- Differentiate between normal sleep, UARS and OSA and understand AHI, RDI, ODI, stage 3 sleep, O2 saturation, REM sleep through HST and PSG
- Choose an appropriate oral device for Airway or an appliance for bruxism or TMD
- Convert an old night guard to an ACG night and night guard 2.0
- Insert a sleep device
- Titrate a sleep device
- Order and understand HST
- Perform a history and examination on a TMD/ sleep patient
- Understand and discuss the anatomy of the TMJ and muscles of mastication and see it live
- Discuss trigger point injections and botox injections for TMD and sleep patients
- Take a bite for both TMD and sleep devices
- Take home a protocol to prevent bite changes and minimize
Contact Us For More Information
Michael McDonald
“Thank you for the great learning experience you provided this weekend. I’m very anxious to get started with a new phase of my career!”

“We had such a terrific experience learning from you both in NY! Thank you so much for taking the time. So excited to be on this journey together and to be able to make a difference for our patients!”

Inquire Today
Price: $3,000 for Doctor and 1 Team Member
Value $6,795 per team member but the training you will receive is priceless
Value $6,795 per team member but the training you will receive is priceless