When you go looking for solutions to problems like fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia – the diagnosis likely depends on what specialist you see.
- Your general practitioner might check for cancer, Lyme disease, hyperthyroidism, and early onset-Alzheimer’s to no avail.*
- Your gynecologist might say, “Maybe you have perimenopause.”*
- Your psychiatrist might diagnose you with anxiety.*
*These responses are based on a true story of a patient of ours…
Next, what you’ll often get are prescriptions. Doctors are too quick to send you home with a stimulant for this, an antidepressant for that, and a couple of sleeping pills for good measure. Focusing on symptoms like this is the old system of medicine. And you don’t have to look far to see – it’s not working.
Americans are more tired, anxious, stressed and burnt out than ever before.
We’ve heard all the standard advice before…
- “Get eight hours of sleep.”
- “Trying stress reduction techniques like meditation or yoga.”
- “No screens before bed.”
The problem with this advice is that it isn’t specific enough.
It doesn’t look at you as an individual person and analyze your unique symptoms to reveal the true underlying cause.
We decided this wasn’t good enough – it’s 2018, surely we can do better than this.
What Does This Mean For You?
Over the past 33 years
, our practice has evolved to fit the needs of our patients. In this time, a couple of areas have emerged.
- Headaches, TMJ, and Ear, Nose and Throat Treatments
Our practice has gained national attention for our effective Headaches, TMJ and ENT treatments. We solve common problems such as:
- Ear fullness, ringing and dizziness
- Migraine headaches
- Tension headaches
- Cluster headaches
- Sleep disorders
- Teeth grinding
We examine the airway both during the day and at night through advanced imaging and home sleep testing.
Here’s the fascinating part of this process – when you come in looking to solve a mysterious pain or clicking sensation, we end up alleviating:
- Non-refreshing sleep
- Fatigue
- Brain fog
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Poor performance
- Memory problems
This is accomplished by increasing oxygenation and deep restorative sleep – Dr. Gelb’s magic formula.
Did you know? 90% of the nightguards previously worn by our TMJ and bruxism patients are making their problems worse? This is because they are causing the jaw to be closed or in a retruded position. They are pushing the tongue back and closing the airway.
Our devices are designed to open the airway and decompress the TMJ, which alleviates many other related symptoms.
Since 1990, we have been treating sleep disorders, day and nighttime breathing problems, headaches, and more, with remarkable success. This was the foundation of our AirwayCentric® practice, which has since expanded into three more categories.
- AirwayCentric® Dentistry
The second part of the practice is AirwayCentric® Dentistry – or “dentistry for wellness.” These processes typically follow the initial TMJ and/or airway treatment. AirwayCentric® Dentistry directly compliments these techniques. AirwayCentric® Dentistry is conservative in combining orthodontics and dentistry to create and maintain an open airway. Because an open airway is the key to refreshing, pain-free sleep.
- Anti-Inflammatory Dentistry
Anti-Inflammatory Dentistry was developed to offer our patients top-of-the-line preventative care. This includes oral systemic/oral wellness hygiene and is one of the most exciting new areas of the practice!
By using the teachings of Dr. Bale and Doneen and Dale Bredesen, we are helping to prevent and reverse:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Cognitive impairment
- Dementia
- Alzheimer’s disease
High risk oral pathogens have been implicated in each of these illnesses and we’ve developed a system for identifying and eradicating them. This reduces inflammation, the most common cause of chronic diseases. We can now test for these anaerobic gram negative bacteria and neutralize them without harming our helpful microbiome.
- AirwayCentric® Wellness
AirwayCentric® Wellness uses functional manual therapy, craniosacral, and other hands-on techniques to complement the other three areas of the practice. Think physical therapy for your airway.
Our practice’s mission is patient-centric, seeking to find the simplest explanation for your unique problems and complaints. We are always incorporating new information through our strategic partners, mentors, patients, and colleagues.
Prevention is our goal, starting as early as the first year of life.
Do Your Symptoms Confuse Most Doctors?
What about the people with a series of symptoms that don’t fit in to a standard or well-known diagnosis?
These are our favorite patients.
We love patients with perplexing symptoms because our systems developed as a result of patients with conditions that didn’t fit a particular mold. If you’ve been looking for answers to your mysterious symptoms for as long as you can remember – it’s time you take an airway focused, preventative approach.
Unlike specialists we don’t limit our exploration to one system in the body – because we KNOW the body is made up of millions of interactions that need to be considered.
We Are The Missing Link Between Functional Medicine and Dentistry
Here at The Gelb Center we view ourselves as the much needed connection between functional medicine and dentistry. We are bridging gaps in health and wellness by combining revolutionary tools and techniques with leading edge research and technology.
It is our hope that eventually the time will come when every dentist realizes the potential they have in helping their patients with every aspect of their health. Because the information and technology is already here, it just takes doctors with the capacity and willingness to apply big-picture concepts to the health of their patients.
We are one of the very few practices making these critical connections between oral health and physical wellbeing.
What we are doing truly is the future of medicine.
And we are excited for the rest of the country to get on board.