Dr. Michael Gelb

Sleep Injuries – Can I Really Hurt Myself While Sleeping?

Sleep Injuries – Can I Really Hurt Myself While Sleeping?

Sleep Injuries – Can I Really Hurt Myself While Sleeping?

Imagine this headline splashed across the cover of a tabloid newspaper: “Your Mattress is trying to Kill You!” This sounds silly, and of course, it is! Mattresses are harmless things, and they won’t cause you any harm. Or will they?

Sleep Injuries

Did you know that you can actually injure yourself while sleeping? Ever noticed how you feel achy and painful after a night sleeping on a mattress you thought was great? If so, you’ve become a victim of sleep injuries.

Hyperbole aside, you actually can injure yourself as you sleep – even on the best memory foam mattresses in the world! No matter what kind of mattress you sleep on, the way you sleep can lead you to injure yourself.

This is, of course, referring to injuries that come from sleeping in the wrong position. You’ve heard them called “cricks” in your neck or back, but they can actually be a lot more serious than you might think. If you don’t take care, you can injure yourself and wear out your body prematurely.

Common Sleep Injuries

Here are a few of the more common sleep injuries:

So, your mattress may not be trying to kill you, but the way you sleep can actually cause you to injure yourself. Look at how you sleep, as well as how you feel when you wake up in the morning. If you feel aches and pains, it may be time to change your sleeping habits!

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