Simply stated, Dr. Gelb is stellar! I can’t recommend him enough and can’t wait until I am free, with his help, from dealing with this chronic health issue.

The Gelb Center in NYC provides gentle, safe, and effective treatments, including early phase-one treatment for cleft lip and cleft palate reconstruction, and craniofacial orthodontics. We work closely with our patients and their families, as well as other doctors and surgeons to monitor each treatment from start to finish.
Our doctors/orthodontists have the experience and education necessary to deliver cleft lip and palate orthodontic treatments, amongst other craniofacial specialties, by virtue of specific post-residency craniofacial and surgical orthodontic fellowship training. We have clinical expertise in all aspects of orthodontic braces treatment for infants, children, adolescents, and adults with facial clefts, craniofacial diagnoses, and complex medical and special needs. Our doctor and craniofacial orthodontic specialists bring extensive training in, and knowledge of, craniofacial and dental growth and development to deliver successful treatment results.
Orthodontic treatments for patients born with facial differences tend to be more complex than ordinary orthodontics. This multidisciplinary treatment often starts from birth and extends to the late teen years. The young patient may require treatment by multiple specialists, including a craniofacial surgeon, pediatrician, geneticist, neurosurgeon, ENT, speech and language therapist, pediatric dentist, oral surgeon, and prosthodontist.
Our NYC Craniofacial Orthodontics division uses a variety of methods including appliances, splints, and braces. Our orthodontic treatments compliment the patient’s medical treatment to improve surgical outcomes, and in some cases, reduce the need for surgical treatment.
Craniofacial orthodontics is the sub-specialty of orthodontics that focuses on the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary treatment of patients with birth defects such as cleft lip and palate. These conditions often require coordinated surgical and medical interventions or extraordinary behavioral management to make orthodontic treatment practical and effective. Braces treatments for cleft lip and palate patients tend to be more complex, takes more time and clinical resources, and requires working with multiple dental, surgical and medical providers to get the best results. Current practice standards call for a coordinated plan of care between the fellowship-trained craniofacial orthodontists and plastic-craniofacial surgeons – among other specialists – in order to achieve excellent and aesthetic facial results.
We are experienced and confident when working with patients that require craniofacial and special care treatments. Our doctor brings formal craniofacial orthodontic fellowship training combined with prior special care dentistry training and clinical research, and a long-standing interest for caring for the more complex types of jaw and face abnormalities.
If you interested in learning more about Craniofacial Orthdontics please feel contact the best in class specialist, Doctor Michael Gelb’s NYC or White Plains, New York Gelb Center office today.
If you would like to make an appointment with The Gelb Center. Click here and complete the form and one of our staff will get back to you within a few business hours.
Apert syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones (craniosynostosis). This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face. In addition, a varied number of fingers and toes are fused together (syndactyly)
CHARGE syndrome is a recognizable genetic syndrome with a known pattern of features. It is an extremely complex syndrome, involving extensive medical and physical difficulties that differ from child to child. Babies with CHARGE syndrome are often born with life-threatening birth defects. They spend many months in the hospital and undergo many surgeries and other treatments. Swallowing and breathing problems make life difficult even when they come home.
Openings or splits in the roof of the mouth and lip. Cleft palate is a common birth condition. It can occur alone or as part of a genetic condition or syndrome. Symptoms arise from the opening in the mouth. They include difficulty speaking and feeding. Surgery restores normal function with minimal scarring. If needed, speech therapy helps correct speaking difficulties.
Cleidocranial dysplasia is a condition that primarily affects development of the bones and teeth. Signs and symptoms of cleidocranial dysplasia can vary widely in severity, even within the same family.
Individuals with cleidocranial dysplasia usually have underdeveloped or absent collarbones, also called clavicles (“cleido-” in the condition name refers to these bones). As a result, their shoulders are narrow and sloping, can be brought unusually close together in front of the body, and in some cases can be made to meet in the middle of the body. Delayed maturation of the skull (cranium) is also characteristic of this condition, including delayed closing of the growth lines where the bones of the skull meet (sutures) and larger than normal spaces (fontanelles) between the skull bones that are noticeable as “soft spots” on the heads of infants.
Craniofacial microsomia is a term used to describe a spectrum of abnormalities that primarily affect the development of the skull (cranium) and face before birth. Microsomia means abnormal smallness of body structures. Most people with craniofacial microsomia have differences in the size and shape of facial structures between the right and left sides of the face (facial asymmetry). In about two-thirds of cases, both sides of the face have abnormalities, which usually differ from one side to the other. Other individuals with craniofacial microsomia are affected on only one side of the face. The facial characteristics in craniofacial microsomia typically include underdevelopment of one side of the upper or lower jaw (maxillary or mandibular hypoplasia), which can cause dental problems and difficulties with feeding and speech. In cases of severe mandibular hypoplasia, breathing may also be affected.
Craniofacial trauma is a blanket term that refers to an injury of the face or skull. This can refer to skin, bone and teeth injuries as well parts of the mouth, neck and sinuses. Maxillofacial trauma is another name for injuries that primarily affect the facial features.
Craniofacial trauma can range from a minor scrape to lifetime disfigurement. Pediatric craniofacial trauma is treated differently than adult facial trauma, as normal growth and development of the skull and face can be impacted.
Difficult and severe cases of craniofacial trauma require help from a team of pediatric craniofacial doctors and specialists. The state of growth and development in children require special considerations when performing corrective surgery so that the treatment grows with your child.
Tumors are abnormal growths of cells that cause lesions or swelling. They can be malignant, pre-malignant or benign. Malignant and pre-malignant tumors are cancerous, while benign tumors are not.
Tumors that occur in the head often show up as lumps or areas of abnormal growth. In some cases, this can cause the displacement of facial structures. Craniofacial tumors in children are often caused by abnormal behavior in the cells responsible for growth. Some occur in the womb, while others do not appear until a child is older.
Craniosynostosis (from cranio, cranium; + syn, together; + ostosis relating to bone) is a condition in which one or more of the fibrous sutures in an infant (very young) skull prematurely fuses by turning into bone (ossification), thereby changing the growth pattern of the skull.
Crouzon syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones (craniosynostosis). This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face. Many features of Crouzon syndrome result from the premature fusion of the skull bones
A disorder caused by a defect in chromosome 22. DiGeorge syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that results in poor development of several body systems. Its features vary widely, even among members of the same family.
The syndrome can cause heart defects, poor immune system function, a cleft palate, and low levels of calcium in the blood.
Fibrous dysplasia is an uncommon bone disorder in which scar-like (fibrous) tissue develops in place of normal bone. This irregular tissue can weaken the affected bone and cause it to deform or fracture.
Goldenhar syndrome (also known as oculo-auriculo-vertebral (OAV) syndrome) is a rare congenital defect characterized by incomplete development of the ear, nose, soft palate, lip, and mandible. It is associated with the anomalous development of the first branchial arch and second branchial arch.
Moebius syndrome is a nonprogressive craniofacial/neurological disorder that manifests itself primarily in facial paralysis. Individuals with Moebius syndrome cannot smile or frown, and do not have lateral eye movements. Many individuals with Moebius syndrome also have skeletal involvement with limb abnormalities or Poland syndrome. People with Moebius syndrome can have respiratory problems, speech and swallowing disorders, visual impairments, sensory integration dysfunction, sleep disorders, weak upper body strength and autism spectrum disorders.
Pfeiffer syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones (craniosynostosis). This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face. Pfeiffer syndrome also affects bones in the hands and feet.
Pierre Robin sequence is a set of abnormalities affecting the head and face, consisting of a small lower jaw (micrognathia), a tongue that is placed further back than normal (glossoptosis), and blockage (obstruction) of the airways.
Saethre-Chotzen syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones (craniosynostosis). This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face.
Most people with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome have prematurely fused skull bones along the coronal suture, the growth line that goes over the head from ear to ear. Other parts of the skull may be malformed as well. These changes can result in an abnormally shaped head, a high forehead, a low frontal hairline, droopy eyelids (ptosis), widely spaced eyes, and a broad nasal bridge. One side of the face may appear noticeably different from the other (facial asymmetry). Most people with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome also have small, unusually shaped ears.
Stickler syndrome is a group of hereditary conditions characterized by a distinctive facial appearance, eye abnormalities, hearing loss, and joint problems. These signs and symptoms vary widely among affected individuals. A characteristic feature of Stickler syndrome is a somewhat flattened facial appearance.
An inherited condition in which some bones and tissues in the face aren’t developed. Treacher Collins syndrome is a genetic disorder that most often affects the cheekbones, jaw, chin, and ears. Symptoms include downward-slanting eyes, a very small jaw and chin, hearing loss, and vision loss. Some babies may be born with a hole in the roof of their mouth (cleft palate). Treatment is focused on correcting facial structure and can involve plastic surgery, orthodontics, and dental care.
Van der Woude syndrome is a condition that affects the development of the face. Many people with this disorder are born with a cleft lip, a cleft palate (an opening in the roof of the mouth), or both. Affected individuals usually have depressions (pits) near the center of the lower lip, which may appear moist due to the presence of salivary and mucous glands in the pits. Small mounds of tissue on the lower lip may also occur. In some cases, people with van der Woude syndrome have missing teeth.
People with van der Woude syndrome who have cleft lip and/or palate, like other individuals with these facial conditions, have an increased risk of delayed language development, learning disabilities, or other mild cognitive problems. The average IQ of individuals with van der Woude syndrome is not significantly different from that of the general population.
A disorder caused by a defect in chromosome 22. DiGeorge syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that results in poor development of several body systems. Its features vary widely, even among members of the same family.
The syndrome can cause heart defects, poor immune system function, a cleft palate, and low levels of calcium in the blood. There’s no cure, but treatments can usually address critical health concerns.
The Gelb Center was founded over 30 years ago by Dr. Michael Gelb’s father, Dr. Harold Gelb. Since then, Dr. Michael has taken his father’s findings to the next level through his Airway Centric® integrated therapy. He invented the ACG™ Airway Centric® System with the help of ProSomnus Sleep Technologies. The ACG System is the first day and night dental appliance solution that offers an integrated approach to addressing airway issues.
Dr. Michael Gelb is dedicated to improving his patients’ health by reducing pain, restoring refreshing sleep and transforming lives.
635 Madison Avenue
19th Floor
B/W: 59th & 60th Street
New York, NY 10022
P: (212) 752-1662
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12 Old Mamaroneck Road
Suite 1C
White Plains, NY 10605
P: (914) 686-4528
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Simply stated, Dr. Gelb is stellar! I can’t recommend him enough and can’t wait until I am free, with his help, from dealing with this chronic health issue.
Thankyou Dr. Gelb. Wait – let me say it one more time: Thank you Dr. Gelb … thankfully the tri-state area has the Gelb Center.
I stopped snoring like a bear and rarely get migraines like I used to quite frequently … This man is amazing … I love you Dr.Gelb and forever thankful to you.
sues. Thank you Dr. Gelb and all of you at The Gelb Center: you are all fantastic and empathetic doctors and your staff is professional and helpful.
Dr. Michael Gelb is world-renowned and extremely knowledgeable in disorders of the TMJ. He is also well-versed in Sleep Medicine.
He really impressed me at my first two visits and he came very highly recommended. My mom was treated for TMJ by his dad and insisted that I only see Dr. Gelb since her results were 100% satisfactory.
… I am so thankful for this man for renewing the lease on my life! You are without a doubt one of Gods Angels on earth.
I am an Obstructive Sleep Apnea patient and Dr. Gelb literally changed my life, and maybe even saved it.
It has been almost a year since you and your wonderful staff changed my life. By the time you all had reset the order of my bite and removed the pain in my jaw with your night and daytime appliances, my C-PAP machine for my “severe” sleep apnea was no longer needed and my sleep became quiet again. After I graduated from your excellent care, Dr. Barone recommended that I return to spend the night at the Weill Cornell Center for Sleep to get the definitive read on how well your reconstructive work had mastered my serious sleep apnea. In layman’s terms, the score for quality of my breathing while sleeping was something like a “1” and was the lowest score the Center had ever seen. I forwarded that report to you at that time. I do not expect to ever return to my C-PAP machine. Your and all your staff are truly masters of your craft!! I would recommend you heartily to anyone who has jaw, bite, or sleep apnea issues. You are the best in the business!
I love Dr. Gelb’s energy, efficiency, and ability to make me laugh. His staff is great, very professional and always kind.
He gave me jaw appliances one for the day and one for the night and they seriously help. He really knows what he is doing and I couldn’t be more happy to have found the best jaw doc in NYC.
I had a perfect experience with Dr. Gelb. He was patient, listened carefully to my issues and then fit me for a new appliance.
I intend to continue my treatment with the Dr and would recommend other migraine/TMJ sufferers to see Dr. Gelb, as finding a good practice is hard to come by.
His reputation as a leading specialist in this area is well-deserved. I highly recommend his services for these treatments.
Dr. Michael Gelb is one of the movers and shakers in the field of research and developmen
Class Act. Cured my TMJ. Wish I could give a higher review. Delivers on his promises.