Here at The Gelb Center we use the most cutting edge science to partner with our patient’s for total wellness. We’ve combined preventive medicine and anti-inflammatory dentistry to develop our revolutionary Oral Wellness Program. This program is possible because your oral health is a predictor of your overall health.
For decades, scientists have known that certain inflammatory markers, oral pathogens, genes, and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) could give us deep insights into the overall health of an individual. What we’ve done is combine this information into comprehensive testing, diagnostics, and treatment plans to give our patients an implementable guideline for better health.
This approach is largely based in preventive care, which means you as a patient benefits from a lower risk of disease and reduced potential healthcare costs down the line. Oral systemic therapy is especially beneficial for those with potential cardiovascular disease or cognitive impairment as well as diabetes. When combined with AirwayCentric Dentistry efficacy is improved.
We are already seeing huge successes in our patients, who are taking the information we are compiling and applying our advice to their day-to-day lives.
The results are astonishing!
My patients are reporting sleeping better, having more energy, better focus, more vitality for life, brighter and healthier complexions, and improved mood.
What Does The Oral Wellness Hygiene Program Look Like?
Based in the research of Drs Bale and Doneen, the Oral Wellness Program tests the body in five important ways:
- Inflammatory markers
- Periodontal charting and oral DNA mapping
- Genetic testing
- Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
We work with your physician and Quest/Cleveland Heart Labs to assess inflammatory markers and other predictors of CV disease . We test for each of the five factors above, and then in a follow-up appointment, we present the information to you with a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan based on your test results.
The benefits of a treatment plan like this are significant.
Because it gives you a step-by-step process you can begin immediately implementing into your life for better health. Let’s break down each of these tests so you can fully understand what they’re looking for and the types of valuable information they can provide.
What Inflammatory Markers Tell Us About Your Health
With a simple blood test we can identify certain inflammatory markers that indicate your
- High sensitivity CRP
- Myeloperoxidase (MPO)
- Lp-PLA2
- Microalbumin/Creatinine
- F2 – Isoprostane
C-reactive protein is an important biomarker for predicting heart disease, cognitive decline, and other illnesses. Another predictive marker of heart disease is myeloperoxidase (MPO). Research suggests that MPO is present in the blood for years before it causes any overt symptoms.
The Lp-PLA enzyme causes inflammation of blood vessels and contributes to heart disease. In 2014, the FDA approved testing for the Lp-PLA enzyme in all adults regardless of their history of heart disease.
This is great news!
Fortunately, this screening for Lp-PLA2 predicts the risk of a future heart attack and allows us to recommend lifestyle changes to prevent this unfortunate situation from occurring.
With a simple blood test we can look at your inflammatory markers and tell you where you stand in potentially developing some of the most common diseases.
What The Bacteria in Your Mouth Reveal
There are several high-risk pathogens of the mouth, which can tell us about a patient’s risk for disease. Through tracking and treatment of these pathogens, together we can reduce your risk of many diseases, including heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.
One such pathogen is Porphyromonas gingivalis, which causes gingivitis but also contributes to numerous diseases through increased inflammation in the body.
This new approach to preventive medicine through oral pathogen testing and periodontal therapy is effective, non-invasive, and lower in cost overall. This is a form of testing based in what us dentists have always known – that your oral health reflects your overall health. The results of these tests usually result in simple lifestyle changes that have broad health benefits in your life.
What Your Genetics Tell Us About Your Future
When you come in for your Oral Wellness Hygiene Program appointment, you will have your genes tested. Our patients love having their genetic testing done with us because they get a professional analysis and doctor guidance. Some of the most important genes and we look at and what they tell us include:
- ApoE – Tells us about your risk for Alzheimer’s and heart attack.
- Haptoglobin – Tell us about your circulation and inflammation levels.
- KIF6 – Tells us about your risk for heart disease.
- 4Q25 – Tells us about your atrial fibrillation, or blood flow.
- 9P21 – Tells us your about cancer and heart disease risk.
You’ve probably noticed a majority of these genes and other test factors focus on heart disease, this is because it’s the number one killer in America. We see it as our duty to join the fight in preventing the number one cause of death, especially since the testing with the Oral Wellness Hygiene Program is so effective at identifying risk factors.
How Cone Beam Computed Tomography Can Improve Your Health
CBCT allows the Dentist to identify periodontal and endodontic infections which may have been missed with traditional x rays .It also gives a clear image and measurement of the Airway and We have smaller airways than ever before. You can read more about this in my article, Why Our Ancestors Never Needed to Worry About Breathing, But We Do.
The result of a smaller airway are widespread sleep-disordered breathing conditions, which leads to systemic inflammation and progression of many diseases. After careful examination, we will take the necessary steps to open your airway so you can fully enjoy restorative sleep and all the health benefits that comes with it.
An estimated 5.6 million people suffer from sleep disordered breathing, are you one of them?
Choose Better Health with The Oral Wellness Hygiene Program
We no longer live in a time where you have to wait for a disease to develop to take action. Today, you can take the necessary steps to identify disease as it develops, well before it becomes a problem.
We believe preventive care is the future of medicine!
You can request an Oral Wellness Hygiene Program appointment with The Gelb Center by filling out the contact form here or calling (212) 752-1662.